Apenas 30 experiências por ano
Eu quero uma Tamarit Signature
O que é uma Tamarit Signature?
- Uma experiência. (Apenas 30 pessoas por ano têm acesso.)
- Uma criação única no mundo. (Nunca repetimos um design.)
- A melhor moto do mundo. (Porque a criamos juntos.)
- Uma moto sempre com motor Triumph de 900cc ou 1200cc.
- Um investimento.
Um especialista entrará em contato com você dentro de 1 a 72 horas.
Invista 2 minutos
Por que quero uma Tamarit Signature?
Como prefere ser contactado:
1. First Steps: The Best Bike in the World
The moment you send us our form, the Tamarit experience begins. We'll call you and ask a key question:
What’s most important to you in a bike?
We’ll repeat this question several times until we discover together what truly reflects your desires and personality, in order to create the best bike in the world.
2. The Proposal: Distinction and Experience
Creating a proposal takes dozens of hours to reach the final design.
Do we make a sketch of the final bike?
We don’t just make a simple sketch; we create a complete project. This includes inspirational images, details, 2D sketches, photomontages, a detailed budget for each accessory, and an almost exact delivery plan.
This project has a one-time cost of €500, which is deducted from the final price if you decide to go forward with the project.
After payment, our designer arranges a video call with you to complete an online questionnaire together and start preparing the proposal, which is always reviewed with Quique Berna, co-founder of the company.
2. The Process: Design and Manufacture
Creating a custom bike with us is a process of several months. During this time, we keep in touch every 15 days. We send materials to your home so you can see the details, and you’ll have access to our custom platform, where you can track your bike’s progress almost in real time.
When unique pieces are created, small design discrepancies can occur. Our 10 years of experience and over 170 projects allow us to resolve any design discrepancy with you before proceeding.
4. The Delivery: The Most Important Day
Around 20 days in advance, we let you know that your bike is reaching the final stages of manufacturing.
The culmination of the experience is presenting you with this unique piece created just for you. This is the most important phase of the entire process, and it has taken us years to understand that this moment is what truly matters.
For the entire Tamarit team, seeing your reaction upon discovering it for the first time is the most gratifying part of our work, as we feel like we’re welcoming another member into your family.
5. After-Sales: Lifetime Warranty
Our relationship doesn’t end with delivery. We’re always here to help you with any aspect of your bike, ensuring you enjoy your creation to the fullest.
Every client who has passed through our factory becomes one of us. We know no one is perfect, and although we’ve made mistakes, we learn from them.
One of our values is continuous improvement, by 1% each day. This allows us to become increasingly efficient and effective.
Although we offer a 4-year warranty depending on usage, we like to say we have a lifetime warranty because we’ll always be here.
6. Our Family: True Networking
Being part of Tamarit is much more than owning a bike; it’s joining a community of enthusiasts who share the same idea of enjoying life.
Now you’re one of our family, where we share experiences, annual events and gatherings, and you’ll become part of the Tamarit Road Club.
Many of our clients have become inseparable friends who contribute their experience and help us improve.