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Shipping to the UK

This story comes at a time when the UK market is gaining ground. Although we specialise in engines of British origin, our relationship with the UK has not been as close as it is today. The UK market is a great opportunity, as it is the cradle of the engines we work with.

The fact that these engines are so popular in the country makes our projects easier, as there is a large supply of second-hand and new bikes that we can use to start our bikes.


Tamarit in the UK

In recent years, we have noticed a demand from the British market to start creating projects from scratch. The first bikes that arrived from the UK were not presented. Not all of our bikes are featured, those projects that only involve a couple of parts and some painting are not featured on the website.

Those first bikes were made before Brexit was a real thing, so after the UK left the European Union, the way of proceeding with the bikes changed a lot. After this, the bikes had to be bought in the UK and brought to Spain to go through the whole process. This operation is important, as it is the only way for them to be able to circulate in the country.

Current operating mode

We comply with the regulations

As in all other countries, we have a company that has advised us to find the best way to proceed with the bikes in the United Kingdom. The bikes are purchased already registered in the customer's country of origin, i.e. the country where it will be used. In addition, some of the accessories that are incorporated are also adapted to the regulations of the country, such as the odometers that are placed in miles, instead of kilometers.

Shipments every month

Specialised transport company

The current operation has been reinforced by having a specialised company that routes to the UK at the beginning of each month. In this way, the operation of the bikes in the UK is more structured and the collection/delivery times are reduced.

The first bike presented on the web, which went through this process, is 93 Fiona J. In this case, the bike belonged to the client and Tamarit managed the collection to bring it to Spain. Once in our facilities, the transformation was carried out and it was sent back with everything according to the regulations of its country of origin.

We hope to continue to expand this story with the two bikes that we have in the workshop at the moment and that are destined for the UK. We will keep you updated!

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Tamarit's heart

The motorcycle engine, the origin of everything and our sign of identity.

Unique parts never produced before

We invest hundreds of hours to create something totally new.

A true jewel

Jade, a success story that has been covered by the press around the world.

Tamarit warranty

Forget about unnecessary expenses and just enjoy what's important, your new motorcycle.

Specialization, specialists and specialized

Our added value, the world's largest specialist in Triumph engines.

Shipping to the UK

Tamarit bike in the UK, all about transport and regulations after Brexit.


This process differentiates us and stands out as a premium motorcycle brand.

The brain of the Tamarit

The brain that we put in our motorcycles has the ability to connect to your cell phone and give a huge list of information.